An Experimental Investigation on the Bond Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Structure

철근 콘크리트 부재의 부착거동에 관한 실험적 연구

  • 오병환 (서울대학교 토목과) ;
  • 이성로 (서울대학교 토목과 박사과정 수료) ;
  • 방기성 (서울대학교 토목과 석사)
  • Published : 1990.04.01


The transfer of forces across the interface by bond between concrete and steel is of fundamental importance to many aspects of reinforced concrete behavior. Bond stress - slip relationships were studied using a symmetrical tension test specimen. This type of test is intented to simulate conditions in the tension zone of a concrete beam between primary cracks and below the neutral axis. These relationships between local bond stress and local slip are quite different at different locations along the bar. The present study allows more accurate analysis of reinforced concrete structures by employing more realistic bond stress-slip relations.
