쇼윈도 조명환경에 관한

A Study on the Illumination Environment in Show Window

  • 김현지 (영남대학교 환경대학 환경설계학과고찰) ;
  • 안옥거 (영남대학교 환경대학 환경설계학과)
  • 발행 : 1993.10.01


This study investigates the relationship between size, illumination ,and display of show window. The average width, heigh, and depth of show windows in Taegu area were 341.3, 233.4, and 125.8cm, respectively. As light source, halogen lamp was most frequently used, followed by fluorescent lamp and incandescence lamp. In the actual illumination, however, a combined use of more than 2 light sources was common. Further, a local illumination method, e.g., spot light, was generally adopted. The thought of employers and employees in fashion shops about display and illumination was examined aw well. On the whole, the necessity and importance of display were well recognized but the fact that the illumination should be hamonized with other factors such as color and arrangement of goods was underestimated.
