An Advisory Expert System for the Designer of Reinforced Concrete Structures

철근 콘크리트 구조물 설계자를 위한 전문가 시스템 개발

  • Published : 1995.04.01


Expert systems which represent the appllication of artificial intelligence research are now nearly 20 years old. It is said that the present technology together with ever- increasing computing applicability of Combined Hypertext-Expert System Techniques to the design of reinforced concrete structures. Hypertext systems allow the user to control the system while expert systems alone don't give the user any control over the system. Therefore the combination of these two techniques, offered by KnowledgePro, may bring us closer to real user-expert communication. The system developed in this work offers information on design in general by reorganizing ACI Manual 318-89, detailed stress analysis and cross sectional design of simple PC/RC beams and optimum design of reinforced concrete building frames. The system also includes the author's earlier work on guidance to identify types of cracks in concrete. It is also includes the author's earlier work on guidance to identify types of cracks in concrete. It is also demonstrated how well and conveniently existing programs can be used by reorganizing the user manuals in the context of hypertext.
