Visualization for Fluid Dynamics Education

  • Fujii Kozo (High Speed Aerodynamics Division The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science)
  • 발행 : 1995.04.01


Effect of visualization as a tool for the education of fluid dynamics is mainly discussed. Visualized images are much more understandable compared to the explanation using equations and texts. Several examples are presented to clarify this statement. Then, the software system for teaching fluid dynamics using the results by the numerical simulation is discussed. Two important issues on what is needed in the system are given. First, such systems should be capable of animating images. Second, such systems should be interactively used by students. Changing parameters, coefficients, equations, etc. themselves and watching the difference are important for them to understand the nature of physics underlying the equations. The teaching system with visualization is no doubt a good tool for introducing fluid dynamics.
