한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
- 한국콘크리트학회 1996년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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- Pages.216-224
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- 1996
노면 미끄럼저항 증진방앙 연구
Improvement of Pavement Skid Resistance
Recently, Korea Highway Corporation has attemped to improve the highway safety in accordance with minimizing user's imconveniences. Currently, the Anti Skidding Pavement(ASP) has been introduced as a safety countermeasure on the safety frailty sections. In this study, a series of field evaluations on pavement skid resistance have been conducted on the skid frailty sections to analyze the effects and problems of the Anti Skidding Pavement (ASP), and to understand the behavior of pavement skid resistance due to pavement type, section characteristics, vehicles' speed and traffec volume. Test results show the Anti Skidding Pavement (ASP) has the effects to induce vehicles' speed reduction. However, there are no effects to increase skid resistance. According to these results, it is demanded to improve the applying method of current Anti Skidding Pavement (ASP) to devise an effective safety countermeasure for pavement skid, and to increase pavement skid resistance.