한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
- 한국콘크리트학회 1996년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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- Pages.328-333
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- 1996
R/C 라멘교에 적용된 CFRP의 보강효과
Strengthening Effect of CFRP on the R/C Rahmen Bridge
Concrete can be defective for several reasons, including an inadequate design, material selection of workmanship, failure to appreciate the hazards associated with prevailing enviromental conditions. Concrete can also deteriorate or be damaged in use. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the safety of existing concrete strucutres. On the basis of these reasons, they must be performed for repair or rehabilitation. Presently, strengthening methods of R/C structure used in Korea, are an enlargement of concrete member, strengthening with steel plate or CFRP on the R/C structure. It has been widely estabilished that strengthening effect of CFRP is superior to steel plate in terms of it's lighter unit weight and higher tensile strength. But there are no construction results of CFRP on the civil R/C structure in Korea. The strengthening design technique with CFRP, it's const겨ction, and it's strengthening effect for deteriorated R/C rahmen bridge is introduced in this paper.