An Application of Realistic Evaluation Model to the Large Break LOCA Analysis of Ulchin 3&4

  • C. H. Ban (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • B. D. Chung (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, K. M. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • J. H. Jeong (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • S. T. Hwang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • Published : 1996.05.01


K-REM[1], which is under development as a realistic evaluation model of large break LOCA, is applied to the analysis of cold leg guillotine break of Ulchin 3&4. Fuel parameters on which statistical analysis of their effects on the peak cladding temperature (PCT) are made and system parameters on which the concept of limiting value approach (LVA) are applied, are determined from the single parameter sensitivity study. 3 parameters of fuel gap conductance, fuel thermal conductivity and power peaking factor are selected as fuel related ones and 4 parameters of axial power shape, reactor power, decay heat and the gas pressure of safety injection tank (SIT) are selected as plant system related ones. Response surface of PCT is generated from the plant calculation results and on which Monte Carlo sampling is made to get plant application uncertainty which is statistically combined with code uncertainty to produce the 95th percentile PCT. From the break spectrum analysis, blowdown PCT of 1350.23 K and reflood PCT of 1195.56 K are obtained for break discharge coefficients of 0.8 and 0.5, respectively.
