Nonlinear Finite Element analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam using 1-D element with Shear Deformation

전단변형이 고려되는 1차원 봉요소를 사용한 철근콘크리트 보의 비선형 유한요소해석

  • 전영배 (성균관대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 유영화 (국립안성산업대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 이준희 (경원전문대학교 토목공학과 산업체 겸임교수) ;
  • 신현목 (성균관대학교 토목공학과)
  • Published : 1997.10.01


In the paper, a simplified method for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures is presented, which is based on timeoshenko beam theory and constitutive equations that are given by the relation of average stress and average strain for concrete and reinforcing bars. Especially, this method consider shear deformation and determine the failure mode. In this paper, 1-D beam element model and program considering shear deformation are suggested. In addition, program procedure is presented briefly and the results are plotted with test examples.
