Radar Image Analysis for Detection of Shape of Voids in or under Concrete Slabs

레이다 탐사에 의한 소공동의 단면형상 복원방법에 관한 연구

  • 박석균 (쌍용양회공업(주) 중앙연구소 콘크리트연구실)
  • Published : 1997.10.01


Deterioration of pavements or tunnels primarily from the existence of voids under the pavements or tunnel linings. To detect these voids effectively by non-destructive testes, a method using radar was proposed. In this research, the detection of shape of voids by radar image processing is investigate. The experiments and simulation were conducted to detect voids in or under concrete pavements for tunnel linings) with reinforcing bars. From the results, the fundamental algorithm for tracing the voids, improving the horizontal resolution of the object image and detecting shape of objects, was verified.
