Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference (대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집)
- Volume 1997 Issue 11
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- Pages.388-391
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- 1997
Development of the Cryotherapy System
한냉물리치료기의 개발
- Kim, Y.H. (Korea Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Engineering Center) ;
- Yang, G.T. (Korea Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Engineering Center) ;
- Lim, S.H. (Korea Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Engineering Center) ;
- Chang, Y.H. (Korea Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Engineering Center) ;
- Ryu, J.S. (Kyungwon-Century Co.) ;
- Kim, J.S. (Kyungwon-Century Co.) ;
- Park, S.B. (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University Hospital) ;
- Baek, S.S. (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University Hospital) ;
- Chung, W.S. (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University Hospital)
- 김영호 (재활공학연구센터) ;
- 양길태 (재활공학연구센터) ;
- 임송학 (재활공학연구센터) ;
- 장윤희 (재활공학연구센터) ;
- 유진상 ((주)경원세기) ;
- 김종성 ((주)경원세기) ;
- 박시복 (한양대학교 재활의학과) ;
- 백승석 (한양대학교 재활의학과) ;
- 정우성 (한양대학교 재활의학과)
- Published : 1997.11.28
A cryotherapy system using the low temperature air was developed. The developed cryotherapy system had superior low temperature characteristics and many safety devices. For a clinical evaluation, skin and intra-articular temperatures of the knee joint were measured during and after the cryotherapy. After 5-minute therapy, skin and intra-articular temperature decreased by