Control Characteristics of Speed Using Time Constant on the AC Servo Motor

교류서보모터의 시정수에 의한 속도 제어특성

  • 김평호 (서강정보대학 소방안전관리과) ;
  • 박인준 (화천기공 (주)) ;
  • 정병호 (조선대학교 전기공학과) ;
  • 오금곤 (조선대학교 전기공학과) ;
  • 백형래 (조선대학교 전기공학과)
  • Published : 1998.07.01


This paper describes the controller for the improving speed control the AC servo motor. The microprocessor provides an output to the difference in command. The servo system improves the characteristics of speed control. When the motor is running at the same speed as set by the reference signal, the speed encoder also provides a signal of the same frequency. Thus, the microprocessor controlled digital techniques enable to realize the flexible performance and control which was possible with time constant. We can know that optimal speed of machining center is 75msec in 30000mm/min and actually, 75msec is using on machining center. Finally experimental results prove excellent performance of this control system. This can be reduced error with more exact measure of actual speed. The system can be adaptable to CNC machine.
