한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
- 한국콘크리트학회 1998년도 가을 학술발표논문집(II)
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- Pages.386-391
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- 1998
CSA계 팽창재 및 무기질 환화재를 이용한 고성능 콘크리트의 건조수축 및 자기수축 저감에 관한 실험 연구
An Experimental Study on the Reduction of Drying and Autogenous Shrinkage of High Performance Concrete Using CSA Expansive Additives and Inorganic Admixtures
Recently, high performance concrete developed has a good quality at fresh and hardened state, but high binder contents results in spending much money on manufacturing and many cracks by drying and autogenous shrinkage. Therefore, in this paper, not only prevention of cracks caused by drying and autogenous shrinkage, but improvement of quality and accmplishment of economy by applying F.A(fly ash), S.F(silica fume) and CSA(calcium sulfa aluminate) expansive additives as an inorganic admixtures in W/B 35% are discussed. According to the experimental results, when 5% of CSA Expansive additives and 15:5 (F.A:S.F)are replaced at unit cement content, high performance concrete with both good compensation of drying and autogenous shrinkage at hardened state is accomplished.