한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
- 한국콘크리트학회 1998년도 가을 학술발표논문집(II)
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- Pages.535-540
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- 1998
비내진 상세를 가지 10층 R.C. 골조의 비선형 거동에 대한 실험과 해석의 상관성 연구
Correlation of the Experimental and Analytical Inelastic Response of a 1/12-Scale 10-Story Reinforced Concrete Frame with Nonseismic Detail
Nowadays, the pushover analysis technique is becoming a very useful tool for the prediction of inelastic behavior of structures in the seismic evaluation of existing buildings in the worldwide. However, the reliability of this analysis method has not been fully checked by the test results. The objective of this study is to verify the correlation between the experimental and analytical response of a high-rise nonseismic reinforced concrete frame using DRAIN-2DX program and the test results performed previously. This study concludes that the overall responses such as story-shear versus story-drift can be predicted with quite high reliability while the local deformations such as plastic rotations in the ends of critical members can not be described reasonably.