유아와 성인의 보행 특성 비교

Comparative gait characteristics of infant and adults

  • Chang, Y.H. (Korea Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Engineering Center, College of Human) ;
  • Yang, G.T. (Korea Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Engineering Center, College of Human) ;
  • Im, S.H. (Korea Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Engineering Center, College of Human) ;
  • Mun, M.S. (Korea Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Engineering Center, College of Human) ;
  • Lee, K.O. (Movement Science, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Kim, M.Y. (Movement Science, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 1998.11.20


To understand the developmental process of the gait pattern from infancy to the adult, a gait analysis for a 14 months female infant has been performed for ten weeks. The gait parameters has been measured every other week since the week when she was able to walk without aid. The infant gait data at the tenth week of the test shows a similar pattern to the adult gait in many aspects including initial knee flexion, initial ankle dorsiflexion, the push-off pattern, etc. There is not a significant change in the hip flexion angle from week to week from the two weeks after the test started. To check the individuality in the collected data, more infant subjects are being tested presently.
