The Parallel Operation of Single Phase PWM Rectifier using IGBT

IGBT를 이용한 단산 PWM정류기 병렬운전

  • 이현원 (현대중공업(주) 마북리연구소) ;
  • 장성영 (현대중공업(주) 마북리연구소) ;
  • 김연준 (현대중공업(주) 마북리연구소) ;
  • 이광주 (현대중공업(주) 마북리연구소) ;
  • 김남해 (현대중공업(주) 마북리연구소)
  • Published : 1999.07.01


The AC-to-DC single-phase PWM rectifier for traction applications using high power semiconductor, IGCT is made and tested. Parallel operation of two PWM converter is adopted for increasing capacity of converters. For reducing harmonics, the harmonic content is eliminated by the phase shift between two converters switching phase. The output voltage control is achieved by interns calculation without detecting the input current. The part of PLL used for controlling power factor is simply implemented by software.
