Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference (한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2000.06a
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- Pages.346-350
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- 2000
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- 1598-2548(pISSN)
FEM/BEM Modeling of the Top Cap of Scroll Compressors for Analysis of Noise Radiation
스크롤 압축기 상부 캡의 방사 소음 해석을 위한 유한 요소/경계 요소 모델링
- Published : 2000.06.22
In scroll compressors, there are two major noise sources. Sturctural path: excitation of the compressor housing by unbalance forces and forces generated by compression cycle. Gas cavity path: excitation of top cap by discharge gas pulsation. In this study, in order to analyze the radiated noise generated by the discharge gas pulsation, FEM/BEM model of the top cap is established. Measured pressure of discharge pulsation is introduced in the FEM model as the excitation and vibration response is calculated. Radiated sound pressure is then obtained by BEM method based on this vibration response. Results are compared with the measured data. It is shown that the trend of the noise radiation can be predicted in this approadch.