Tube Shape for Highly Efficient Sonic Compressor

가장 효율적인 음향 압축기의 튜브형상

  • 전영두 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과) ;
  • 김양한 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 2000.06.22


When a tube is oscillated at a resonant frequency, acoustic variables such as density, velocity, and pressure undergo very large perturbation, often described as nonlinear oscillation. In order to analyze these phenomena, nonlinear governing equation has been drived and solved numerically. Numerical simulations were accomplished to study the effect of the tube shape on the maximum pressure we can obtain. The tubes of cylindrical, conical, and cosine-shape, which have same volume and length, were investigated. Results show that the resonant frequency and patterns of pressure waves strongly depend on not only the tube shape but also the amplitude of driving acceleration. The degree of non-linearity of wave patterns was also measured by the newly defined nonlinear energy ratio of the pressure signals. It was found that the 1/2 cosine-shape tube is more suitable to induce high compression ratio than other shapes.
