Integrated Visual and Speech Parameters in Korean Numeral Speech Recognition

  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


In this paper, we used image information for the enhancement of Korean numeral speech recognition. First, a noisy environment was made by Gaussian generator at each 10 dB level and the generated signal was added to original Korean numeral speech. And then, the speech was analyzed to recognize Korean numeral speech. Speech through microphone was pre-emphasized with 0.95, Hamming window, autocorrelation and LPC analysis was used. Second, the image obtained by camera, was converted to gray level, autocorrelated, and analyzed using LPC algorithm, to which was applied in speech analysis, Finally, the Korean numerial speech recognition with image information was more ehnanced than speech-only, especially in ‘3’, ‘5’and ‘9’. As the same LPC algorithm and simple image management was used, additional computation a1gorithm like a filtering was not used, a total speech recognition algorithm was made simple.
