실내모형실험을 통한 강우시 사면내 간극수압의 변화 탐구

Investigation of Pore Water Pressure Variation in Slope during Rainfall from Laboratory Model Tests

  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


Landslides generally occur due to influences of the internal and external factors. Internal factors include ground characteristics, terrain and so on. External factors can also be divided into natural factors such as rainfall, ground water, earthquake and so on, and artificial factors resulting from cutting and embankments. Among these factors, rainfall becomes the most important external factors by means of which landslides occur in Korea. To appropriately deal with tile effects of pore water pressures due to rainfall, the method using the pore water pressure ratio(r$\_$u/) is generally applied in slope stability analysis or the design of slope reinforcements. Since tire value of r,, is in general not constant over the whole cross section, in most slope stability analyses the average values are used with little loss in accuracy. However, determination of the average values of r$\_$u/ to applied in the design is difficult problem. Therefore, in this study, tile average values of r$\_$u/ according to the intensity of rainfall and slope inclination is suggested based on results of the small scaled model tests using the artificial rainfall apparatus. It is found from the model tests that the average values of r$\_$u/ is about 0.07∼0.18(in case of the intensity of rainfall is 50mm/hr.), about 0.10∼0.28(in case of the intensity of rainfall is 100mm/hr.), and about 0.10∼0.33(in case of the intensity of rainfall is 150mm/hr.).
