Active Tactual Motion of Fingertips in FUUAI Evaluation Of Textile Fabrics

  • Published : 2002.05.01


Human uses sight, tactile sense to evaluate Total Hand Value(FUUAI) of textile fabrics. Tactile sense is important factor which decided the Total Hand Value of a textile fabric. When human feels the FUUAI, physical and physiological phenomena are occurred in finger. We first found out physical variable that is happened in fingertip when human is feeling the FUUAI. Such physical variable means characteristic of action tactual motion of finger such as moving range, tactile time, moved distance, speed of finger and applied force by finger. We study the relationship between action tactual motion and the ability in which the human distinguishes the textile fabric. As a result, we could know the characteristics of the tactual motion of fingertip to get high distinguishable ability. The characteristics were different in men and women respectively. In the case of man, touched time and moving range influenced to distinguish, and moving range, and the moving speed of finger influenced, in woman's case.
