한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
- 한국콘크리트학회 2002년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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- Pages.649-654
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- 2002
폐광미를 활용한 인공골재의 품질 특성에 관한 연구
A Study on the Quality Properties of Artificial Aggregates Using Tailing
In order to suggest recyling and handling method of a tailing, observe it's physical and chemical properties, make an quality test of aggregates which are used a tailing and then examine a applied possibility in architectural materials. Tailing has a ununiform and many-side shape and it is organized quartz, muscovite, calcite, montmorillonite. pH is 6.86-7.28 and the result of leaching test is that Hg and Pb exceed of a standard. The specific gravity of aggregates which are used tailing is 1.95-2.23 and the absorption factor is 9-14.67%. The result of test for abrasion and crushing of aggregates which are used BFS is very excellent. The heavy metal is stabilized but a eruption property of Hg is similar to original sample.