한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
- 한국콘크리트학회 2002년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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- Pages.849-854
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- 2002
실물 및 축소모형 비교실험을 통한 휨-전단 RC교각의 내진성능평가
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Shear-Flexure RC Piers through Comparative test of Real Scale and Reduced Scale Model
From the analysis results of some as-built drawings in national roadway bridges in Korea, many bridge piers are expected to show complex shear-flexural behaviour under earthquakes. But the previous research works about the seismic evaluation of bridges considered flexural behaviour RC piers only. In addition, the past bridge design specifications in Korea didn't include limitation on the amount of longitudinal lap splices in the plastic hinge zone of piers. Thus a large majority of non-seismically designed bridge piers in Korea may have lap splices in plastic hinge zone. In this study, prototype pier was selected among existent bridge piers whose failure mode is expected to be complex shear-flexural mode. And then, full scale and 1/2 reduced scale model RC piers with various longitudinal lap splice details were constructed. From the quasi static test results on these model RC piers, the effect of longitudinal lap splices on the seismic performance of bridges piers was analyzed. And the seismic capacity of the non-seismically designed shear-flexural RC piers was evaluated.