Elastic Wave Resonance Scattering from a Fluid-filled Cylindrical Cavity

유체가 채워진 실린더형 공동에 의한 탄성파 공명 산란 해석

  • Huinam Rhee (Dept.of Mechanical Automotive Engineering, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Park, Youngjin (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Published : 2002.05.01


A new method is presented for the isolation of resonances from scattered waves for elastic wave resonance scattering problems. The resonance scattering function consisting purely of resonance information is defined. Elastic wave resonance scattering from a water-filled cylindrical cavity imbedded in an aluminum matrix is numerically analyzed. The classical resonance scattering theory and the new method compute different magnitudes and phases of the resonances from each partial wave, and therefore. their total resonance spectra are quite different. The exact $\pi$ - radians phase shifts through the resonance and anti-resonance frequencies show that the proposed method properly extracts the vibrational resonance information of the scatterer compared to resonance scattering theory.
