DSP를 사용한 중소형 발전기 자동전압 조정기 개발

The Development of Automatic Voltage Regulation Using DSP for the Small and Middle Generator

  • 발행 : 2003.11.01


In recent large power plants, the excitation system has the static type, which is characterized by the fast response to increase the transient stability. The high capacity excitation systems developed in KEPRI is either a hot back-up, hybrid hot back-up (analog + digital) or triple modular redundant digital type, both well proven by actual tests and applied in commercial operation. The large excitation systems have been developed taking into consideration the parameters of large scale power plants, resulting in high costs and subsequently are supplied at higher prices. When used at small sized power plants, the cost impact is relatively high. As a countermeasure to such a situation, KEPRI has recently developed a reliable, miniature digital excitation system, which is one-board type, convenient and adequate for low-price, small-sized (0.5MW∼200MW) power plants.
