PVDF 센서신호를 이용한 Gr/Ep 적층판의 저속충격 손상탐지

Low-Velocity Impact Damage Detection for Gr/Ep Laminates Using PVDF Sensor Signals

  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


The PVDF(polyvinylidene fluoride) film sensor as one of smart sensors has good characteristics to detect the impact damages of composite structures. The capabilities of the PVDF film sensor for evaluating impact behaviors and damages of Gr/Ep laminates subjected to low-velocity impact were examined. From sensor signals, the specific wave-forms implying the damage were detected. The wavelet transform(WT) and Short Time Fourier Transform(STFT) were used to decompose the piezoelectric sensor signals in this study. The impact behaviors of Gr/Ep laminates were simulated and the impact forces were reconstructed using the sensor signals. Finally, the impact damages were predicted by finite element analysis with the reconstructed forces. For experimental verification, a series of low-velocity impact tests from low energy to damage-induced energy were carried-out. The extent of damage in each case was examined by means of ultrasonic C-scan and the measured damage areas were agreed well with the predicted areas by the F.E.A.
