Alkali- Aggregate Reaction of the Crushed Stones Depending on the ASTM C 227 and C 1260 Test Method

ASTM C 227과 ASTM C 1260에 따른 쇄석 골재의 알칼리-골재 반응성

  • 전쌍순 (부산대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 이효민 (부산대학교 지질학과, 환경문제연구소) ;
  • 진치섭 (부산대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 황진연 (부산대학교 지질학과) ;
  • 이진성 (부산대학교 지질학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.05.01


The concrete structure can be easily damaged due to alkali-aggregate reaction. The alkali-aggregate reaction is a reaction between the alkalies(K or Na) in cement and an unstable mineral of the aggregates. There are several test methods to identify alkali reactivity of aggregates. In general, crushed stones are tested by petrographic examination, chemical method and 모르타르 바 method. This study tested alkali-aggregate reactivity of crushed stones that has different rock types such as granitic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Samples are collected from 12 local aggregate production companies. Alkali-reactivity of various rock types was evaluated by using ASTM C 227 and C 1260, and compared the test results of two test methods.
