Development of Pre-cast product using non-sintering Artificial Aggregate with Coal-Ash

비소성 석탄회 인공 골재를 이용한 프리캐스트 제품 개발

  • Published : 2003.05.01


Immense quantities of coal combustion by-products are produced every year, and only a small fraction of them are currently utilized. The purpose of this study is to investigate reused techniques of coal to highly economic growth and expansion of country base industry. So, in this study, artificial aggregate was developed to recycle coal ash by non-sintering technique and crush method. And characteristic of developed artificial aggregate was examined. Also, noise barriers using developed artificial aggregate was made by link of development of ECO-construction product and is preparing sound absorption and transmission loss experiment. Result of study was showed that artificial aggregate was more proper to use a noise barriers and this is expected to satisfy sound absorption standard in this study. So, if shape and color considering surround and design technology is studied continuously, it can be expected to make ECO-precast product as well as maximize waste recycling.
