한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
- 한국콘크리트학회 2003년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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- Pages.289-292
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- 2003
차수벽 콘크리트 시공성 향상에 관한 연구
Improvement of Construction Efficiency of Face Slab Concrete
CFRD face slab concrete has a much capability to occur crack due to drying shrinkage and vibrator compaction etc. Because crack of concrete induces structural problem and decrease durability of concrete, it is need to reduce crack of concrete. In the experimental study it was analyzed that the effect of curing of concrete and compaction on CFRD face slab concrete. As a results, it was found that control of construction condition into curing of concrete and compaction improved on construction efficiency of face slab concrete.