춘계 한국 남서해역 식물플랑크톤의 공간적 분포

  • 이준백 (제주대학교 해양과학대학)
  • Published : 2003.11.01


Spatial distribution of phytoplankton was investigated in the southwestern sea of Korea in May 2000 in terms of phytohydrography. The sampling was done at the 0m, 30m, 50m of 15 selected stations, and permanent slides of each samples were prepared by QPS method for quantitative and qualitative analyses. Phytoplankton standing crops ranged from 3.23${\times}$10$\^$-4/ to 1.09${\times}$10$\^$-7/ cellsㆍ$\ell$$\^$-1/ in the study area. Dominant species comprised of 9 diatoms and 2 phytoflagellates, showing higher dominance of diatom and most predominance of Skeletonema costatum in all layers of most stations. Phytohydrographic results indicate that the study area might be divided into 4 categories, that is, I area is designated as neritic area where occurrence of terrestrial and coastal species is frequent, II area as intermediate area, III area as offshore area where oceanic species dominate, and IV area as other's. Especially in the II area, Skeletonema costatum was most predominant at both surface and 30m layer in most stations and represent an characteristic of northward expansion with spring massive bloom.
