한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
- 한국콘크리트학회 2004년도 추계 학술발표회 제16권2호
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- Pages.77-80
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- 2004
PSC 박스거더 교량부재의 횡방향 프리스트레싱에 따른 구조거동 실험연구
An Experimental Study on Structural Behavior of Concrete Box Girder Member with Transverse Prestressing
- 발행 : 2004.11.01
In bridge deck systems, deflections and cracking can be controlled by longitudinal and transverse prestressing, There are some benefits, longitudinal cracking control, the thickness reduction of deck slab, the widening of deck width and the reduction of the cross section area, in transversely post-tensioned concrete box girder bridges. However, it has been not sufficient to study the structural behaviors of transversely post-tensioned concrete box girder. Therefore, It is needed to predict the structural behaviors by prestressing and static loading. In this study, the analytical and experimental load tests are carried out to study the effect of transverse prestressing on concrete box girder. For these objectives, four test specimens are fabricated with various tendon spacing and steel ratio of top slab. The analytical and experimental studies are performed to estimate effects of the prestressing and failure tests.