한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
- 한국콘크리트학회 2004년도 추계 학술발표회 제16권2호
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- Pages.529-532
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- 2004
기포혼입방법에 따른 바텀애쉬를 사용한 기포 콘크리트의 특성
The Properties of Foamed Concrete Slurry Using Bottom Ash According to the Methods of Mixing of Foam
As the purpose of this study is a research of series to obtain fundamental data on the development of the product of foamed concrete using bottom ash for various applications in the field, the main purpose is the light weight of product of concrete. In this experiment, method of mixing of foam is very important because it control specific gravity and strength of the product. As the test results, it was found that regardless of mixing method the grower the concentration of foaming agent the lower the specific gravity and the compressive strength of the specimen especially pre-foaming method. From a strength point of view, we knew that mix-foaming method and steam curing is efficient to obtain a adequate compressive strength of foamed concrete.