다중플랫폼 기반 영상감시 및 원격지 모터제어시스템 구현

Remote Monitoring and Motor Control Based on Multi-Platform

  • 최승달 (강원대 공대 전기전자정보통신) ;
  • 장건호 (강원대 공대 전기전자정보통신) ;
  • 김석민 (강원대 공대 전기전자정보통신) ;
  • 남부희 (강원대 공대 전기전자정보통신)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.12


This paper deals with the real-time monitoring and control system using PC, PDA(Win CE embedded device) and PCS(based BREW platform). The camera attached to the server captures the moving target, and the captured frame of color image is encoded in JPEG for image compression at the server. The client(PC, PDA, PCS) receives the image data from the remote server and the received image is decoded from decompression. We use the TCP/IP protocol to send the image frames. The client can control the position of the camera by sending the control command to the server. Two DC servo motors for the camera are controlled in any directions, up-down and left-right, by the controller which is communicating with the server via the serial communication to get the control command. In this way, on the client we can monitor the moving images at the server and also control the position of the camera.
