Novel Antioxidants and Atherosclerosis

  • Published : 2004.11.01


Coronary heart disease (CHD) has been the number one killer in western society for a long time, and CHD in most instances is due to atherosclerosis. One of the earliest events in atherogenesis is the intracellular accumulation of lipids, particularly cholesterol esters, in the aortic intima. The lipids presumably came from the uptake of plasma lipoproteins, particularly from LDL. These foam cells were identified as being predominantly as macrophages. Currently, it is believed that oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) might contribute to the generation of foam cells. An outcome of the oxidation hypothesis is that the consumption of antioxidants would be beneficial. In this study, Boldine, an alkaloid of Peumus boldus was tested for their antioxidant potency both in, in vitro oxidation system and in mouse models. Boldine decreased the ex-vivo oxidation of Low-density lipoprotein (LDL). In vivo studies were performed to study the effect of these compounds on the atherosclerotic lesion formation in LDL r-/- mice. Three groups of LDL r-/- mice (N=12 each) were fed an atherogenic diet. Group 1 was given vehicle and group 2 and 3 were given 1 and 5 mg of Boldine/day in addition to the atherogenic diet. The results indicated that there was a decrease in lesion formation reaching a 40% reduction due to Boldine compared to controls. The in vivo tolerance of Boldine in humans (has been used as an herbal medicine in other diseases) should make it an attractive alternative to vitamin E.
