Growth Simulation of Ilpumbyeo under Korean Environment Using ORYZA2000: II Growth Simulation by New Genetic Coefficients

  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


[ $\bigcirc$ ] In the growth simulation without changing of module with ORYZA2000, dry matter, LAI and leaf nitrogen content(FNLV) were estimated well under high nitrogen applicated condition, but overestimated under low nitrogen applicated condition. $\bigcirc$ Nitrogen stress factor on the SLA was introduced into ORYZA2000 because especially overestimated LAI under low nitrogen applicated condition was originated from SLA decrease with leaf nitrogen(FNLV) decrease. $\bigcirc$ In the growth simulation with modified SLA modified module, LAI was estimated well under even low nitrogen applicated condition, but dry matter was hardly changed compared with default. $\bigcirc$ Simulated plant nitrogen content and dry matter have no clear difference between modules, but compared with observed values, panicle weight(WSO) and rough rice yield(WRR14) were overestimated under high nitrogen applicated because of lodging, pest, disease and low nitrogen use efficiency.
