Implementation for Texture Imaging Algorithm based on GLCM/GLDV and Use Case Experiments with High Resolution Imagery

  • Jeon So Hee (Dept. of Earth Sciences Education Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee Kiwon (Dept. of Information Systems Hansung University) ;
  • Kwon Byung-Doo (Dept. of Earth Sciences Education Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


Texture imaging, which means texture image creation by co-occurrence relation, has been known as one of useful image analysis methodologies. For this purpose, most commercial remote sensing software provides texture analysis function named GLCM (Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix). In this study, texture-imaging program for GLCM algorithm is newly implemented in the MS Visual IDE environment. While, additional texture imaging modules based on GLDV (Grey Level Difference Vector) are contained in this program. As for GLCM/GLDV texture variables, it composed of six types of second order texture function in the several quantization levels of 2(binary image), 8, and 16: Homogeneity, Dissimilarity, Energy, Entropy, Angular Second Moment, and Contrast. As for co-occurrence directionality, four directions are provided as $E-W(0^{\circ}),\;N-E(45^{\circ}),\;S-W(135^{\circ}),\;and\;N-S(90^{\circ}),$ and W-E direction is also considered in the negative direction of E- W direction. While, two direction modes are provided in this program: Omni-mode and Circular mode. Omni-mode is to compute all direction to avoid directionality problem, and circular direction is to compute texture variables by circular direction surrounding target pixel. At the second phase of this study, some examples with artificial image and actual satellite imagery are carried out to demonstrate effectiveness of texture imaging or to help texture image interpretation. As the reference, most previous studies related to texture image analysis have been used for the classification purpose, but this study aims at the creation and general uses of texture image for urban remote sensing.
