주요 밀 생산국의 품질향상을 위한 밀 수확 후 관리실태

Postharvest Management of Wheat in Major Wheat Producing Countries

  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


Wheat is one of the most important cereal grain in the world, and also the staple next to rice in Korea based on its consumption. Although wheat planted area was dramatically decreased during late two decades in Korea compared to those of 1960s, fortunately there has been a continuous effort in recent to revive the wheat cultivating in this country by the non-government organizations such as Woorimil, Kanong etc. As the resusts, the cultivation area has increased to 3,792ha in 2004 from near zero ha of late 1980s. However there are many a pending problem that has to be solve In near future to enlarge the area more and more. The improvement of the postharvest technologies in wheat is one of the homeworks. This paper presents the numerous technologies that are applied to wheat as it moved from the field to final users. it investigated the technologies for harvesting, drying, storing and handling, insect management, and transporting, and blending in advanced wheat producing country..
