유동-구조상관(FSI) 3차원 측정시스템에 의한 부유식 실린더 연동운동해석

FSI Analysis on a Floating Cylinder by 3D Flow-Structure Interaction (FSI) Measurement System

  • 발행 : 2004.11.03


A simultaneous measurement system that can analyze the flow-structure interactions(FSI) has been constructed and analyses on the flow field and the motion field of a floating cylinder was made. The three-dimensional vector fields around the cylinder are measured by 3D-PTV technique while the motion of the cylinder forced by the flow field is measured simultaneously with a newly developed motion tracking algorithm(bidirectional tracking algorithm). The cylinder is pendant in the working fluid of a water channel and the surface of the working fluid is forced sinusoidal to make the cylinder bounced. The interaction between the flow fields and the cylinder motion is examined quantitatively.
