Preliminary programming for librarization of Haptic Primitives based on constructive solid geometry and god-object

  • 발행 : 2004.08.25


We propose 'the haptic primitive' for haptic rendering without the need to solve complicated parametric equations. To develop 'the haptic primitive', we adopted "the God-Object Method" as a haptic rendering algorithm and applied 'Constructive Solid Geometry' to manage haptic objects. Besides being used in the 'ghost library' of $PHANToMTM^{TM}$ our method can be used as a basic component for developing tools and libraries that aim to simplify haptic modeling. It can also be applied to tactile display modules and temporal display modules. Ultimately it can be developed into a one-stop haptic modeling tool that enables the user to more conveniently create a tangible CAD systems or a tangible e-ommerce system.
