Time optimal trajectory planning for a robot system Under torque and impulse constraints.

  • Cho, Bang-Hyun (Department of Electronics Engineering, Pusan National University) ;
  • Lee, Jang-Myung (Department of Electronics Engineering, Pusan National University)
  • Published : 2004.08.25


Moving a fragile object from an initial point to a goal location in minimum time without damage is pursued in this paper. In order to achieve the goal, first of all, the range of maximum acceleration and velocity are specified, which the manipulator can generate dynamically on the path that is planned a priori considering the geometrical constraints. Later, considering the impulsive force constraint of the object, the range of maximum acceleration and velocity are going to be obtained to keep the object safe while the manipulator is carrying it along the curved path. Finally, a time-optimal trajectory is planned within the maximum allowable range of the acceleration and velocity. This time optimal trajectory planning can be applied for real applications and is suitable for not only a continuous path but also a discrete path.
