Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference (한국항해항만학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2005.10a
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- Pages.5-10
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- 2005
A Study on the Minimum Safe Distance Under the Low Speed Sailing of T.S. HANBADA
실습선 한바다호의 저속 항해시 최소안전 이격거리에 관한 연구
- Park Young-Soo (Trainging Center of Ship Operation, National Korea Maritime University) ;
- Ji Sang-Won (Division of Marine Transportation Science, National Korea Maritime University) ;
- Lee Yun-Sok (Trainging Center of Ship Operation, National Korea Maritime University) ;
- Jung Chang-Hyun (Trainging Center of Ship Operation, National Korea Maritime University)
- Published : 2005.10.01
T.S. HANBADA will navigate to maintain the adequate distance between own ship and other ships safely for about 17 hours on the about 2 kts. On the above situation, M broadcasting station requires to maintain the distance from 100m to 500m between ships. This paper aims to calculate the minimum safe distance between ships, the distance is assessed by using ES Model which is a quantitative model for evaluating the difficulty of shiphandling. After marine traffic flow simulation, minimum safe distance for HANBADA on the 2kts is about 260m based ES value. On this paper, the result was compared about its distance to the actual navigating distance.
실습선 한바다호는 M 방송국 행사를 지원하기 위하여 선박의 속력이 약 2노트인 선박군과의 적절한 거리를 유지하면서 17시간 이상 안전하게 항행하고자 한다. M 방송국은 한바다호에 방송의 원활한 송수신을 위하여 약 2노트로 이동하는 행사지원 선박군과의 이격거리를