노약자를 위한 지하철 의자 디자인 방향제시

Passenger Car‘s Chair Design Proposal for old and handicapped people

  • 송혜승 (철도전문대학원 철도문화디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.05.01


As number of old and handicapped passengers is increasing in an aging society, it is becoming more and more important to provide safe and convenient subway interior design and direction. In this research, we study basic indispensable conditions for subway chair and propose a chair design direction for old and handicapped people considering their use. In this study, we elicit the rational result based on analysis of Seoul subway design direction. This study should be expanded into universal design for not only old people but also pregnant people and children. The chair for old people is needed to have side partitions and a safety bar for safe walking and to be made of soft materials which has some cushion.
