단일 호우 해석을 위한 Z-transform 기법의 적용

An Application of Z-transform in Single Storm Analysis

  • 발행 : 2005.05.01


At present, various methods are available to analyze storm runoff data. Among these, application of Z-transform is comparatively simple and new, and the technique can be used to identify rainfall and unit hydrograph from analysis of a single storm runoff. The technique has been developed under the premise that the rainfall-runoff process behaves as a linear system for which the Z-transform of the direct runoff equals the product of the Z-transforms of the transfer function and the rainfall. In the hydrologic literatures, application aspects of this method to the rainfall-runoff process are lacking and some of the results are questionable. Thus, the present study provides the estimation of Z-transform technique by analyzing the application process and the results using hourly runoff data observed at the research basin of International Hydrological Program (IHP), the Pyeongchanggang River basin. This study also provides the backgrounds for the problems that can be included in the application processes of the Z-transform technique.
