HEC-RAS 모형에 의한 감조하천구간 부정류 해석 및 세굴보호공 설계

Unsteady Flow Analysis for the Design of Local Scour Protection by HEC-RAS(UNET) Model in the River Reach Affected by Tide

  • 남궁돈 (대림산업주식회사 기술연구소) ;
  • 조두찬 (대림산업주식회사 기술연구소) ;
  • 윤광석 (한국건설기술연구원 수자원연구부)
  • 발행 : 2005.05.01


The tidal river is a river affected by tide, which causes the water level to rise and fall two times everyday periodically. The local velocity across the river could be very fast because of the cross-sectional characteristics of the river even though it's not a rainy season. Therefore extreme local scour could take place around hydraulic structures such as piers and caissons due to backward flow velocity. For the construction of pier foundation of Ilsan-bridge In the Han River, the field observations were performed to get the velocity and water level. The numerical analysis was performed by HEC-RAS(UNET). The relationship between measured maximum velocity and calculated mean velocity is achieved, which is used to estimate the velocity and water level as the construction is proceeding. Countermeasures for scour were designed with the results of the hydraulic analysis to avoid potential damage during construction work. According to the results of monitoring, the velocity increase after temporary road embankment was negligible, from which it is considered that the degradation of main channel compensated for the constriction of cross-section by embankment.
