무선 LAN기반에서 힘 반영을 이용한 이동로봇의 원격제어

Wireless LAN based Teleoperation of a Mobile Robot with Force-reflection

  • 홍현주 ((주) 케피코 Customer Project TFT) ;
  • 박창준 ((주) 잉카시스템) ;
  • 노영식 (울산대학 전기전자정보시스템 공학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.05.14


In this paper, we constructed the infrastructure with wireless LAN and Access Point in the indoor environment and implemented the teleoperation. Wireless LAN based teleoperation system is irregular communication delay according to environment condition and occurrence possibility of blackout is very high. In this paper, In case these problem happened, we measured communication delay time by real time, and did mobile robot to control harmoniously through vision and force reflection information. Also, we present obstacle-avoidance mode that mobile robot can travel without collision using direction information in case communication delay time is large. We proved usefulness of presented algorithm through teleoperation experiment to apply presented algorithm.
