사출압축성형시 PMMA 재료의 성형수축거동

The Behavior of Shrinkage on PMMA in Injection Compression Molding

  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


Molding shrinkage s variation is one of the problems to be solved in conventional injection molding. Despite many trying-out has been to solve these, intrinsic causes of shrinkage such as orientation and thermal exchange between melt and mold has yet not solved. For reducing shrinkage and residual stress on molding, injection compression molding process was invented. In this study, experiments about effect of injection compression molding's parameters on shrinkage of molding were conducted with PMMA and compared with conventional injection molding's shrinkage. Before the injection compression molding experiment, molding shrinkage rate was predicted by analyzing pvT graph and was compared with the results of experiment. The shrinkage rate of injection compression molding was lower than convention injection molding' one but was different from the predicted shrinkage. The reason was observed that experiment mold as not positive type, flowing backward of melt into nozzle and unreasonable mechanism of injection molding machine.
