The Relationship between Rheology Properties and Particle size distribution in Cement paste

시멘트 페이스트에서 유동성과 입도분포와의 관계

  • 황해정 (군산대학교 대학원) ;
  • 이승헌 (군산대학교 신소재공학과) ;
  • 이원준 (기초소재(주) 기술연구소) ;
  • 김원기 (기초소재(주) 기술연구소)
  • Published : 2006.11.04


In this study, particle size distribution of cement powder system were adjusted using the blast furnace slag powder, Blaine $2250cm^2/g\;and\;8300cm^2/g$, which easy to adjust particle size distribution to examine how particle size distribution of the binder has an effect on rheological properties of the cement paste. In addition, the relationship between n-value of Rosin-Rammler function and plastic viscosity were discussed. All measured flow curves represented thixotropy behavior and the hysteresis area was smaller for the more added coarse particle. When the combination was based on a ratio of $20{\sim}25vol%$ fine particles, $30{\sim}40vol%$ OPC and $40{\sim}45vol%$ coarse particles of the total volume, a high fluidity and low yield strength was achieved.
