한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
- 한국콘크리트학회 2006년도 추계 학술발표회 논문집
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- Pages.933-936
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- 2006
콘코리트 성분분석을 위한 비파괴분석방법
Non-destructive Inspection Methods for Componential Analysis of Concrete
- Kanada, Hisashi (ICUS, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo) ;
- Ahn, Tae-Ho (Department of Civil Engineering, The Umiversity of Tokyo) ;
- Uomoto, Taketo (ICUS, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo)
- 발행 : 2006.11.04
Many non-destructive inspection methods have recently been developed for concrete structures. However, these methods can obtain only physical information of concrete, such as crack depth, delamination or position of reinforcement etc. near its surface. If chemical information is required, sampling and componential analyses may be earned out. Non-destructive method that can detect deterioration factors such as carbonation, chloride content or sulfate attack would be an outstanding innovation in inspection methodologies. In this research, near-infrared spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence analysis were applied for componential analysis for concrete. These methods are very effective compared to traditional methods, therefore, working efficiency and maintenance cost will be improved.