Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference (한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2006.05a
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- Pages.902-909
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- 2006
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- 1598-2548(pISSN)
Three-Dimensional Rotordynamic Analysis Considering Bearing Support Effects
베어링 지지 효과를 고려한 3 차원 로터동역학 해석
In this study, three-dimensional rotordynamic analyses have been conducted using equivalent beam, hybrid and fun three-dimensional models. The Present computational method is based on the general finite element method with rotating gyroscopic effects of a rotor system. General purpose commercial finite element code, SAMCEF which includes practical rotordynamics module with various types of rotor analysis methods and bearing elements is applied. For the purpose of numerical verification, comparison study for a benchmark rotor model with support bearings is performed first. Detailed finite element models based on three different modeling concepts are constructed and then computational analyses are conducted for the realistic and complex three-dimensional rotor system. The results for rotor stability and mass unbalance response are presented and compared with the experimental vibration test conducted in this study.