도시철도 표준화 연구개발사업의 경제성 분석

Economic Analysis for Standardization R&D of Urban Rail System

  • 발행 : 2007.11.08


This study is to estimate economic benefits of Standardization R&D of Urban Rail System. Benefit was to be realized through standardization of main areas such as train vehicle, railway, power system, and signal system. To derive and calculate the quantitative benefit, the sources of economic impact was divided into three dimensions -operational cost savings, import substitution, and safety effects. Economic effect of the standardization was categorized based on a modified BSC model. Economic benefits from time and labor savings are converted into cost savings. Import substitution and investment multiplier effect have a positive impact in addition to cost savings. The estimation of the standardization R&D of Urban Rail System was conservatively estimated 370 billion Won. Cost effectiveness of standardized safety system was conservatively translated into economic benefit in this analysis. This study provides a practical guide to economic evaluation of the various railway R&D projects.
