유전자 알고리즘을 활용한 데이터 불균형 해소 기법의 조합적 활용

  • Published : 2007.05.18


The data imbalance problem which can be uncounted in data mining classification problems typically means that there are more or less instances in a class than those in other classes. It causes low prediction accuracy of the minority class because classifiers tend to assign instances to major classes and ignore the minor class to reduce overall misclassification rate. In order to solve the data imbalance problem, there has been proposed a number of techniques based on resampling with replacement, adjusting decision thresholds, and adjusting the cost of the different classes. In this paper, we study the feasibility of the combination usage of the techniques previously proposed to deal with the data imbalance problem, and suggest a combination method using genetic algorithm to find the optimal combination ratio of the techniques. To improve the prediction accuracy of a minority class, we determine the combination ratio based on the F-value of the minority class as the fitness function of genetic algorithm. To compare the performance with those of single techniques and the matrix-style combination of random percentage, we performed experiments using four public datasets which has been generally used to compare the performance of methods for the data imbalance problem. From the results of experiments, we can find the usefulness of the proposed method.
